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October 5, 2024

Nuclear Medicine Week 2024

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We are celebrating Nuclear Medicine Week 2024 by introducing you to our phenomenal team of Nuclear Medicine Technologists. Our technologists facilitate every PET/CT, CT, PET/MR, and SPECT/CT scan and every radiopharmaceutical therapy dose.

This talented team excels in both patient care and operating our scanners, seamlessly combining technological expertise with unparalleled compassion. This unique blend of skills is rare in healthcare and plays a crucial role in advancing the field of Theranostics.

We asked each team member to share what drew them to nuclear medicine and BAMF Health.


When I got into nuclear medicine, I was following in my older sister’s footsteps. As an 18-year-old, it sounded like an interesting field. As I grew and learned the modality, I was excited about what nuclear medicine could be and how it would evolve in the future.

I enjoy the constant progress of healthcare and radiology. We are always finding new ways to create better outcomes for the patient.

I came to BAMF Health because I was excited at the prospect of being part of a team that would push nuclear medicine forward through research. In class, we learned about what nuclear medicine could be and eventually will be, but to actually be part of the change every day is another level up.


I was interested in nuclear medicine specifically because it offered the opportunity to interact with patients while still being involved in the technology side. Everything in nuclear medicine is about the “hows” and “whys” of the human body rather than just what it looks like.

I was so excited for the opportunity to come to BAMF Health because we are really leaning into the future of nuclear medicine. We are pushing our field forward to do cool things, and it is so much fun to be a part of that.


I got into nuclear medicine because I liked the idea of being in patient care, but also helping to bring patients a diagnosis.

I love getting to see the impact Nuclear Medicine has made over the years.  PET/CT was a newer concept when I started, and now it is at the forefront of diagnostic imaging.  I also get to see how Theranostics is growing and evolving. It is an exciting time for our field.

I came to BAMF Health because I wanted to be challenged by patient care and clinical trials. I love being involved in trials that evaluate new isotopes for imaging and therapy treatments. I feel like I’m helping to further the field of Nuclear Medicine while also making an impact on patients.


I really liked my anatomy and physiology class in high school, and I thought nuclear medicine sounded neat.

I like the combination of a molecular imaging approach to radiology and providing quality care to patients. What drew me to BAMF Health was the personalized care we provide to patients.


I initially planned to go to medical school, but I decided to make a career shift that would keep me in the medical field. That’s when I discovered nuclear medicine, and I was hooked from the start! The unique blend of technology and patient care really appealed to me, and I loved the idea of using advanced techniques to make a tangible impact on patients’ lives. It felt like the perfect fit!

I love how nuclear medicine combines cutting-edge technology with a focus on patient care. The use of radiopharmaceuticals for both diagnosis and treatment makes it possible to personalize medicine in a way that really targets diseases effectively.

I’ve always been passionate about research and knew I wanted to pursue it one day. About two years before BAMF Health opened its doors, I recognized that BAMF was poised to shape the future of the field. With its own radiopharmacy and ambitious plans to become a global hub for clinical trials and research, I was captivated. From the moment they broke ground, I knew I wanted to be part of this exciting journey.


When I graduated from high school, I got a job in the radiology department at the local hospital. I got to see what nuclear medicine was all about and was fascinated. I knew I wanted to do something in healthcare, and nuclear medicine seemed like a natural fit. Getting to combine nuclear physics and medicine is not something a lot of people get to do in their daily work.

I love the follow-up we get with patients in nuclear medicine. I get to see the same patients throughout their treatment cycles and watch them progress from being very sick to being able to rejoin their golf leagues, attend grandchildren’s weddings, or take that dream vacation.

I wanted to come to BAMF Health because it seemed like a great opportunity to make a bigger-than-usual impact on patient lives. Being at the forefront of what the nuclear medicine field has to offer and being there to troubleshoot and solve problems is satisfying.


I originally wanted to go into nursing but wasn’t completely set on it. My advisor at the time introduced me to radiology/nuclear medicine which I found interesting. After researching the field further, I chose to pursue it and have loved it ever since.

I like that nuclear medicine is an evolving field. It features a wide variety of imaging tracers that help diagnose different diseases and cancers as well as treat certain cancers.

For the past four years I have worked with cancer patients and have always wanted to deepen my involvement in their care. My previous experiences didn’t allow for close engagement with the treatment team, so joining BAMF Health allows me to be more involved in patient care as well as with the team. I am also excited about clinical trials in our field, making BAMF a perfect fit for me.


I wanted to go into nuclear medicine because it was different from the rest of radiology. It uses radiopharmaceuticals to see issues within a patient via structure and function which is unlike other modalities in radiology. I fell in love with the science and with being able to help people every day.

Not only can we use radiopharmaceuticals to image patients, we can also use these drugs to treat patients. It is fascinating that the therapy attaches to a target rather than going through the whole body and killing off good and bad cells alike.

I came to BAMF Health because I wanted to help bring the field of Theranostics to patients faster, rather than just helping patients get a diagnosis or staging. Dr. Anthony Chang’s passion for building new ways to bring novel radiopharmaceuticals and therapies to patients faster mirrors my own passion for truly wanting to help people.

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