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July 16, 2024

What to Look for in a Theranostics Center

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Radiopharmaceutical therapy and molecular imaging—together known as Theranostics—are gaining significant traction worldwide. Even though Theranostics dates back to the early 1940s, a rapid expansion is driving the industry to a projected $30 billion by 2031. Hospital systems, academic medical centers, and independent offices are all making investments in this field.

Brandi Miller, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BS, OCN, is the Director of Clinical Operations for BAMF Health, one of the world’s most comprehensive Theranostics Centers. She says, “The questions many patients, and even physicians, are asking include, where is the best place to go for Theranostics? What facilities are doing it safely? What does an exceptional patient experience look like?”

Brandi Miller, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BC, OCN, BAMF Health, Director of Clinical Operations

What to Look for in a Molecular Imaging Clinic

Tina Brennan, CNMT, NMTCB(CT) is the Nuclear Medicine Supervisor at BAMF Health. She suggests patients and providers look for a molecular imaging facility with advanced PET/CT and PET/MR scanners.

Tina Brennan, CNMT, NMTCB(CT), BAMF Health, Nuclear Medicine Supervisor

“We have the United States’ first clinical total-body PET/CT scanner and Michigan’s first whole-body PET/MR scanner,” Tina says. “Our PET/CT scanner has 2x the resolution of traditional scanners, is 40x more sensitive, and the scan time is less than five minutes. In comparison, most PET/CT scans take about 40 minutes.”

BAMF Health’s Whole-Body PET/MR scanner

What to Look for in a Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Clinic

Because Theranostics was not widely practiced when most facilities were built, they’ve had to modify spaces to accommodate. In some cases, patients may receive treatment in areas not designed for the two- to five-hour stays that are necessary. Be sure to ask what the therapy space looks like, if bathrooms are easily accessible, and if you’ll have privacy, suggests Brandi.

Ensure the clinical team has the expertise, equipment, and infrastructure to deliver radioactive therapy drugs safely and efficiently. Patients must be protected from unnecessary radiation, be given their dose at the optimal time, and be monitored throughout their stay. All who accompany patients must also be kept safe while allowing them to interact with their loved one.

“A quality facility should review all of these details with a patient long before their first dose is administered,” Brandi adds. “Look for a clinic that begins with a thorough one-on-one consultation where previous imaging, treatments, and concerns are discussed. Patients should feel informed, supported, and listened to every step of the way.”

Patients and providers should also look for a facility with strong safety standards, accreditations, properly credentialed clinical team members, and experienced physicians.

What Makes BAMF Health Theranostics Center Different

BAMF Health, headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI, designed its facility from the ground up for Theranostics; it wasn’t retrofitted to accommodate molecular imaging and therapy.

BAMF Health in Grand Rapids, MI

Specialized Infrastructure

It is one of the first vertically integrated precision medicine platforms, combining a large-scale Molecular Imaging Clinic, a Molecular Therapy Clinic, and a radiopharmacy under one roof. BAMF Health’s proprietary infrastructure allows for fast scheduling, fast scans, and fast imaging reports.

Superior Patient Experience

“I’ve been in many nuclear medicine facilities where patients are taken to the basement for imaging,” Tina explains. “We intentionally designed our PET/CT and SPECT/CT rooms at BAMF Health with large windows. Patients tell us it reduces anxiety and claustrophobia, and they actually look forward to getting scanned.”

BAMF Health Molecular Therapy Clinic patient room

The therapy rooms at BAMF Health are also designed for an enhanced experience. Each patient is given a spacious private room with their own bathroom and TV. They have access to large windows and can adjust room lighting for brightness and even color.

“From our complimentary valet parking and bright waiting rooms to our comfortable guest spaces and comprehensive radiation safety practices, everything is designed for patient well-being,” says Brandi.

As an additional benefit, BAMF Health gives patients a SPECT/CT scan approximately 24 hours after therapy and sits down with them to discuss the results. This gives patients instant feedback about how treatment is impacting their tumors. Providers also use the scans to personalize therapeutic decisions—sooner rather than later.

BAMF Health Molecular Therapy Clinic

Access to Clinical Trials

In addition to offering FDA-approved medications, BAMF Health’s Clinical Trials Platform gives patients access to novel radiopharmaceuticals for a wide variety of diseases. For patients whose condition does not have an FDA-approved imaging or therapy option, a clinical trial can offer hope.

Clinical trials also give patients the opportunity to contribute to science and help ensure future patients have access to the care and treatments they need.

Dozens of radiopharmaceuticals are currently in development and are expected to be approved in the coming months and years. BAMF Health’s goal is to deploy its unique model across the country so that every person has access to life-saving treatments in a safe and comfortable space close to home.

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